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Average Rating 5 out of 5
Blooming nonstop!

This was my first streptocarpus and it has been such a lovely starter! Such an easy plant to care for and it puts out SO MANY blooms!!! I love it!!
Glad to find this!

I've recently started getting into gesneriads--my plant friends know I love orchids and are trying to get me to expand--and it's because of this plant. A friend had this gorgeous plant in bloom and it stole my heart. She told me where she got it and here I am--with three in my cart! Excited for this new journey.
Bristol's Chicken Little

Really live the compact size, and blooms on this plant.
always in bloom!

This plant is a compact grower for me, and is always in bloom. one of my top 5 for sure!

I'm ordering this one, I love the colors! I have a streptocarpus similar to Fernwoods silhouette, but not sure if that is the particular hybrid as it was my grandmother's plant and we've been dividing it for years from plantlets it produces from the roots. I hope to propegate this new one and share with my family, like we've done with the other one.