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Average Rating 5 out of 5
Never stops blooming

Even if it has wilted due to no watering in a few days, after a drink, it just bounces back and continues to bloom.
So adorable

I kept overlooking this plant when I would see it for sale because the colors didn't seem vibrant enough. However, I kept hearing friends of mine and others raving about how cute it was and how it was a great bloomer so I decided to give it a try. Wow, it is a real cutie pie and with close to 100 streps I could use a more compact strep in my collection lol. Once it got acclimated to my environment, it has been blooming non-stop and it's still a young plant so I am looking forward to when it is a bit more mature. I would definitely recommend this strep and give it a top rating.
Fun little strep

I ordered this several years ago when I had streps, and I’ve decided to get back into them. This was one of the first ones I put into my basket because I enjoy it so much. The name for this seems perfect because it doesn’t take up a lot of space but has nice blooms. I can count on this giving me lots of enjoyment.
Must have

This strep is so amazing! It's always in bloom and always selfs.
My favorite.

This is my all time favorite streps.Profuse flowering habit forms a beautiful crown.
Fabulous little plant

Very beautiful and delivery method was impeccable. I have purchased many times from the Violet Barn and have never been disappointed. Great to give as gifts, everyone whom I have gifted these little violets to absolutely fell in love with them!
First Streptocarpus

Chicken Little was my first Streptocarpus. I wanted a miniature for my windowsill that would bloom a lot. After about 3 weeks sitting on the sill, the first buds appeared. It has been in continuous bloom for several months since. The plant is small, the flowers are large. A great combination. Such a beautiful plant, it hooked me on mini Streps.
Bristle’s Chicken Little

I just received this plant a couple weeks ago. It’s already got 2 flowers open. Such a precious Strep. I really like it a lot already.
pretty foliage

Plant arrived in great shape and has a large bud on a long stem. Lovely plant.
Very very floriferous

I received a baby plant from Rob that has one flower stalk with two flowers in beginning of July 2021. It is now Sept 20, 2021, this plant has a bouquet of 14 flowers with many young stalks coming up! Get it!
Blooming nonstop!

This was my first streptocarpus and it has been such a lovely starter! Such an easy plant to care for and it puts out SO MANY blooms!!! I love it!!
Glad to find this!

I've recently started getting into gesneriads--my plant friends know I love orchids and are trying to get me to expand--and it's because of this plant. A friend had this gorgeous plant in bloom and it stole my heart. She told me where she got it and here I am--with three in my cart! Excited for this new journey.
Bristol's Chicken Little

Really live the compact size, and blooms on this plant.
always in bloom!

This plant is a compact grower for me, and is always in bloom. one of my top 5 for sure!

I'm ordering this one, I love the colors! I have a streptocarpus similar to Fernwoods silhouette, but not sure if that is the particular hybrid as it was my grandmother's plant and we've been dividing it for years from plantlets it produces from the roots. I hope to propegate this new one and share with my family, like we've done with the other one.
Striking bloom

I love the simplicity of this blossom! And a very frequent bloomer.
What a Cutie!

Chicken Little was a freebie with my last order. It began to bloom in just a few weeks and always has blooms and buds. I am going to give it to a friend who takes care of my chickens when I am away, but not before I take a leaf cutting so I can grow a replacement!
It's a nice one!

Of the 12 streps I've ordered in the past year, this one seems to be one of the best in terms of nice compact size, pretty ruffled leaves and many bloom stalks.
Very prolific bloomer

This one is easy to grow and blooms a lot. Doesn't take as much space as larger ones.