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Average Rating 5 out of 5
Fabulous little plant

Very beautiful and delivery method was impeccable. I have purchased many times from the Violet Barn and have never been disappointed. Great to give as gifts, everyone whom I have gifted these little violets to absolutely fell in love with them!
First Streptocarpus

Chicken Little was my first Streptocarpus. I wanted a miniature for my windowsill that would bloom a lot. After about 3 weeks sitting on the sill, the first buds appeared. It has been in continuous bloom for several months since. The plant is small, the flowers are large. A great combination. Such a beautiful plant, it hooked me on mini Streps.
Bristle’s Chicken Little

I just received this plant a couple weeks ago. It’s already got 2 flowers open. Such a precious Strep. I really like it a lot already.
pretty foliage

Plant arrived in great shape and has a large bud on a long stem. Lovely plant.
Very very floriferous

I received a baby plant from Rob that has one flower stalk with two flowers in beginning of July 2021. It is now Sept 20, 2021, this plant has a bouquet of 14 flowers with many young stalks coming up! Get it!