Primulina (Chirita)
A genus of about 150 species, recently (2011) reclassifed as Primulina, many of these gesneriads are relatively new to hobbyists, most in cultivation for less than 20 years. Because of their forgiving tempermant, growth habit, and blooming they have quickly become popular--most violet growers have at least one.
Primulinas produce thick leaves in rosette, much like a violet, with trumpet-like blooms on upright stems above foliage. Culture same as for violets, but they can be more tolerant neglect.
Starter plants shipped in 2" pots.
Most photos shown are of plants grown by us, and are representative of what plant can look like when properly grown--we cannot always ship mature plants in full bloom!
"Seller's choice" packages on our special offers page.