Trailing African violets
To view trailing African violets for sale, click links at bottom of page.
Trailers are African violets that naturally branch and spread. Grow trailing African violets either as hanging baskets or in shallow pots as ground covers. Feel free to pinch or prune, it will only encourage even more dense, lush, growth. Their size and shape when mature, is entirely up to you. Because they are multicrowned and spreading, they have the potential for producing large amounts of foliage and massive amounts of bloom on a single plant. See the "plant care" section of the main website for more detailed information.
Descriptions are those of the hybridizer or of the AVSA registrar. AVSA registration numbers follow description. Photos shown are of plants grown by us, and are representative of what plant can look like when properly grown--we cannot always ship mature plants in full bloom!
Full, well-branched plants shipped in 2" pots
"Seller's choice" packages on our special offers page.