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Average Rating 4.9 out of 5
Simply Beautiful Violet!
I bought this one because of the name (my dog is named Lily) and I've never had a trailing violet. It is stunning! The plants all arrived in excellent condition, some even had blooms already. They have grown and bloomed and I have enjoyed them so much, I'm back to order again. I wish I could post a picture of my violet. It has 25 or more open blooms and that many more buds that haven't opened yet. Thank you for a wonderful experience.
Beautiful trailer
This is one of my favorite trailers! It's easy to grow and is almost constantly in bloom!
Beautiful and thriving
Beautiful and easy to grow. Blooms all the time. It makes me happy each day to see it's pretty flowers. Thank you for a wonderful plant!
The best!
This trailer has been thriving and has grown into a lovely, large, trailing plant. Beautiful!
Very Happy
Rob's Lilli Pilli arrived in excellent shape. I gave a touch of sunburn to a few leaves. Once I adjusted the lighting, it has been growing wonderfully. Very happy with this plant.