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Average Rating 4.9 out of 5

Truly striking blooms! I'm back to buy this plant again after losing it because the the blooms are just so vivid!

Love this Streptocarpus! I have had this one for about 2-3 months now and it has grown quite a bit. There are a lot of bloom stalks about to bloom so super excited to see them all. Definitely would buy again!

Vibrant indigo/blue blooms with a streaked throat of yellow and dark, dark purple. Love it next to my Salmon Sunset from the same order.
Great color and pattern!

The purple and yellow streps seem to be my favorite and this is a good one. The complementary colors in combination each make the other appear more vivid than either would alone. I like how the yellow on this one retains it's color for a long time, unlike some yellows streps. I also love the bold dark markings in the center. Keep up the good work!
So vivid you can't believe it's real

The flowers on this strep are BOLD! They stand out as if they were painted-the blue/purple is dark and rich, and the yellow is a stunning neon contrast. And best of all it isn't tempermental, like some varieties can be! I replanted it shortly after getting my young plant and it took off, blooming heavily for the next month or so. It's resting right now, but I'm looking forward to its next show!