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Rainbow's Quiet Riot

Superior showplant.  Large, sdbl. blue-purple stars with white fantasy streaks.  Dark, serrated, standard show foliage.  (Wasmund) 


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Rainbow's Quiet Riot

Average Rating 4.6 out of 5

Love the color

Very unusual, i cannot wait to see it in person, Thank you Violet Barn.

Chris Montagne Oct 17 2020, 16:00 PM

Pretty but not blue :(

The plant itself is healthy and happy, the flower is pretty aswell but it's not blue as described and shown in picture. Very much purple. So if you're looking for blue keep searching.

Taylor Squashic Feb 24 2019, 16:01 PM

Quite riot is right

I received this violet in a resent order and she already has buds coming up I can't wait for them to bloom They are going to be amazing. Thank you VB

Threasa Copeland Dec 17 2018, 11:06 AM

High light

This one likes my brightest light. Others will get tight centers, this one will not. Instead it lays down perfect and blooms a lot.

Kathalina McGinnis Nov 26 2018, 04:02 AM

Rainbow’s Quiet Riot

I have this plant, has not bloomed yet, but leaves are beautiful. Growing well.

Anonymous Feb 28 2018, 16:34 PM

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