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Average Rating 4.9 out of 5
Awesome company!

The violets you sent me are beautiful. Thanks violet barn.

Placing another order! I am so pleased with the beautiful violets from my previous order that I'm going to order more!!
Violet Barn Site

The VB site is the most informative learning location I have found online. The lessons are well done and informative. I have grown violets from seeds and cuttings in the past. It is great to have an informative location that also offers fantastic products. I created a "short cut" on my home page so I always have it available.

What a great surprise package! You never know what plants you will receive. Such fun to watch them grow and bloom. I have never been disappointed!
Beautiful violets

This is my 3rd order since July and I will never buy from anyone else. They come packed so beautifully and always thriving plants. I’ve received many with blooms and buds already on them. Others have bloomed within a month. I love taking care of them and looking every day to see if there’ are any new flowers. I’ve already started leaves and they’ve produced babies. If you’re looking for well kept healthy plants this is your place to buy them.