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Average Rating 5 out of 5
One of many beautiful Rob's trailers.

Whenever I visit the VB site, I spend so much time poring over the pages of Rob's trailers. They are all so beautiful, and it's difficult to choose. I want them all! This one's dark purple blooms are absolutely gorgeous.

Wage Waga is a beauty. It is a must have for me. Deep color with lots of blooms.
Blooms continually without much care

I have had Wagga Wagga for more than 3 years now and it is continually in bloom with very little care. We have been going to the Violet Barn for years and have received exceptional plants!
Happy bloomer!

Love this trailer, its such a happy and non fussy plant. Produces tons of blooms.

This is my first trailer and WOW! In 4 weeks it has doubled in size, has 2 flowers and 3 new buds. The flowers are beautiful. A rich violet color that darkens in the center with a splash of white on the tips. The flower petals also sparkle. Wagga Wagga has become my new favorite!