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Average Rating 4.9 out of 5
Beautiful bloomer
Once my Vanilla Trail started blooming, it’s been consistently in bloom. I like that it seems fairly easy to grow for a beginner like me. It’s one of my favorite trailing AVs and I recommend it to anyone new to trailers.
Love the trailers
I have bought trailers several times and just love them …mine always manage to get mealy bug at some point but my fault trying again!
Oodles of pink flowers
Endless blossoms in a stunning, delicate pink. Easy to grow and constantly blooming.
Great bloomer
Rob's Vanilla Trail is a great plant which blooms cover the plant with beautiful light pink double blossoms. I'm ordering another plant as my original plant got knocked onto the floor and was so busted up I'm afraid it may not recover.
I received this plant as a gift and it beautiful. Blooms all the time and is spreading out nicely! I love it so much. It’s my favorite African violet so far. The blooms are so full almost like roses *