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Average Rating 4.9 out of 5
Blooms like crazy
I received this over a month ago and it has sprouted buds and blooms like you won't believe! I don't fuss over it much, the only thing I do is use Rob's self-watering pot and put it in a shady, well-lit spot. The plant continues to be a mini, but the blooms keep coming!
I have had this wonderful plant for two years no and he is big and always has blooms. Vistors come to my home and want to take it home. I have to watch little vanilla very closely.
I have grown a couple of different trailers and this one is definitely my favorite (although they are all beautiful). In fact, I am purchasing another one as a gift for a friend.
I have 2 of the Robs Vanilla Trail, and both are in constant bloom and seem to grow over night, with new blooms. They are in a south window. This trailer is my favorite, and I'm sure it will become yours too. This is another 5 star plant. Thanks Rob for a great little girl
Vanilla Trailing
I received this plant a few days ago in full bloom, it is a precious beautiful plant. You must order this. You will be so happy. Violetbarn is #1 for all my violet needs