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Average Rating 4.9 out of 5
Nice healthy plant arrived with buds. One bloomed the day after I received it. The blooms stand very high over the leaves with pretty fantasy.
Already love this plant
Purchased this plant earlier this month. Arrived with a couple of buds and has simply taken off -- beautiful, continuous blooms that are simply gorgeous. This has already become one of my favorites.
little darling plant
When I got this plant she was very small and had no buds at all. About a month later she just took off and started to form buds. She is now full of flowers, so much that I cant even see leaves. If you dont have one yet then is a must plant for you. You will love it.
Excited you have this back in stock!
Rob's Miriwinni was one of the first plants which reminds me of my younger sister and the trip we took together to our first AV show and the first plant she bought. I'm happy to have the plant back in our collection!