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Average Rating 5 out of 5
Colorful Pinwheel flowers
Colorful blue and white pinwheel flowers along with pretty variegated green leaves with speckles of white. A very unique plant to add to anyone's trailing violet collection.
So happy I got this one! Love the little blooms! Took a little to find the right light but it really took off then. Pretty new to African Violets but if I can do it you can too. Happy with VB, getting ready for my second order.
Very cute, easy to take care of. The leaves on mine are more variegated than in the photo
Love this plant. I’m back to order more (just different styles and colors)!
One of my favorites
Absolutely gorgeous tiny trailer, with perfect pinwheels. It blooms constantly! I love it so much, it grows beautifully and develops suckers like wild (a good thing with a trailer!) Violet Barn has been my favorite place to buy from for years now. Always a wonderful place to shop!