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Average Rating 4.9 out of 5
Love her!

I love this African Violet...she's gorgeous and she's super easy to grow...she's perfect in every way!
Unique and Gorgeous!

Beautiful plant! The flowers are sturdy with soft lavender stripes or freckles. The leaves are just as pretty, with maroon spots on rippling emerald velvet. I can't stop looking at all the unique coloring.
I love it!

This one is indeed compact compared to other standards. The blooms are all speckled lightly in purple and they have a nice glimmer in the right lighting. One leaf had broken off during shipment and I put it down to grow, lucky me got two more plants and both look to have the leaf speckles too!
Picture Perfect

my favorite of all my violets
Stiking Foliage! I love the "elf varigation" leaves.

My plant just arrives. What immediately caught my eye was the foliage. There is an uncommon type of variegation on the leaves. This plant has spots and spatters of red pigment on these leaves, when it mixed with the green of the leaves there is an undertone of the earthy red of very dark bricks. The speckles and spots are called "elf variegation" (as in footprints of little elves), and is apparently a trait of this variety. It's also one of the reasons I wanted April Fantasy. Saintpaulia Ancestry Project had a post on elf variegation as of March 2020. I found info about the reddish splash variegation down the center of the leaves, it is a separate trait. The info is on That site has an article from 2018 about an unnamed leaf chimera sport of April Fantasy that can pop up. I was apparently very fortunate and received one of those plants. I wish I could upload a pic of this plant, even though it isn't in bloom yet. From an earlier review, I think this leaf chimera has popped up before in plants from here! I wonder if Violet Barn will start selecting for the sport??? I sure hope so.