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Selaginella kr. brownii

Selaginella kraussiana brownii.  A very favorite of ours.  So soft and adorable, you can't help but touch it!  Very tiny moss looks like a small, brilliant green 'pincushion'. 


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Selaginella kr. brownii

Average Rating 4.6 out of 5

Very cute

This seems like a bunch of tiny plants. You can plant all of it in one spot or spread it out. Very nice in a terrarium.

Sheena Lawrence Sep 02 2016, 12:14 PM

lovely plant

arrived in perfect condition. lovely addition to my terrarium. very satisfied.

Konstadina Andriopoulos Jun 14 2015, 00:20 AM

Erica T

Just ordered this plant and it looks very cute. I am excited to get it and enjoy in my fairy garden!!

Erica Tomasch Oct 22 2014, 13:12 PM

I can't seem to get this one right

Gorgeous plant but I can't seen to get it to survive for more than a couple of months. Given up on buying replacements.

Lilli Leong Oct 19 2014, 00:31 AM

Looks interesting

I think these looks really cool, and people are saying that these are hardy as well, so I think I'll be getting some for my windowsill.

David Chen Oct 12 2014, 04:33 AM

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