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Average Rating 5 out of 5
Such shiney leaves and unique.

Mine hasn't bloomed yet, but the foliage makes it attractive and is fine looking without blooms. Only plant I have with glossy leaves
Malpighis cocogera

This is a terrific little bush! It will be a great addition to my lighted terrarium.
A dazzler

When this plant arrived, I was stunned: it was so amazingly beautiful. Even with little foliage and few blossoms its strong, simple lines are awesome. It should make a striking entry in an flower show later this year.
Malpighis cocagera

After a couple of unsuccessful attempts to grow this plant (from several different suppliers), I now seem to have achieved success in growing Malpighis. I would imagine that summering in the shade would be beneficial. However, here in New Jersey, summers can often go quickly from too wet to too dry, so I keep this plant under fluorescent lights all year round. The plant likes it moist but not wet. Thus, upon re-potting, I use a peaty but loose mixture (ie, with a larger amount of perlite due to my tendency to overwater). Fertilizing is done using Dyna Gro at half the recommended strength. Although the plant may be kept small, it can grow considerably. At the current rate of growth, I may need to re-pot it into a 6"pot next year. I hope this helps.