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Average Rating 5 out of 5
Happy plant!
This perky little Ivy is growing nicely in a tiny hanging basket. It tolerated two transplants with no ill effects. Very pleased with it!
Super Cute!
This miniature ivy arrived happy and healthy. Three months later and it is still alive! Excellent plant for a terrarium or dish garden. You won't find this plant at any big box store!
Very healthy, lovely little ivy arrived in by far the most professional and safe packaging I've ever seen for a plant order. It looks lovely in our newly planted terrarium. Looking forward to watching it grow!
Very fun, interesting looking plant. It's also the easiest plant to maintain in my terrarium. Slow growing so I only need to prune it on ocassion to keep it from overflowing out of my terrarium. I like that it's hardy and the foliage always looks shiny.