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Average Rating 4.6 out of 5
Cute plant

Absolutely love this grass like plant this is the second time I’m ordered it. I’m building some terrariums and dish gardens. Wonderful accent plant!
Cute little grass plant.

Recently purchased this plant. I've had for a couple months. the plant is loving its home in the terrarium.
Liked these little plants

I liked these little grasses -- I ordered two. Unfortunately, as the terrarium was a little moist when I finished planting, I left the cover off for the planting to air out. My new young cat, who doesn't know the house rules yet took a great delight in pulling both the nut grasses up. I wasn't quite able to repair the damage properly, so lost them. However, I plan to try them again -- carefully.
Lovely Little Grass

This little grass arrived in great shape. I've had it planted in a terrarium for about 3 weeks now and it appears to be doing well. I'm not seeing any new growth but this is no surprise as growth may be affected by the transplant.
Cute Plant

Looks like a little bush in a terrarium. Easy to grow. The ends of the plant look fiber optic.