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Average Rating 5 out of 5
Tiny and elegant

Beg. Richardsiana's delicate red-edged leaves are beautifully shaped and the plant blooms its little head off year round. I love it.
Wonderful specimen

This has absolutely exploded with growth in the months I've had it. Strong branches and well-developed caudex from the start, and only getting better.
Super pleased

Has become one of my favorite

I am in love with this little plant. The tiny leaves are outlined in red and are just so beautiful. I love it so much that I am purchasing another one.
Pretty little tree

I got this plant last year. It grows fast and keeps blooming, year-round. It likes humidity and I spray it whenever I have a chance. It can be trained like bonsai, but I'd rather let it grow freely. Very unique and one of the hard-to-find plant. I'm ordering one again today while I can.