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Average Rating 5 out of 5
Beautiful and Tiny Leaves!

Such a pretty and small creeper/vine-y plant. Works very wonderful in small closed-top terrariums I have it in. Grows easily. I can find the larger variety sometimes in local plant stores -- but this tiny one I had never seen.
Excellent creeper

Easy to propagate and grow. I use this plant on wire topiary forms (needs a bit of help as it's not a twiner but a creeper). I have found they don't like to be root bound or very dry. They also do well outside in the summer sun to part sun in Zone 4.
pretty and green

I got one of these as a freebie and had no idea what it was until I googled - looks like it may be a good gateway plant to the world of terraria/fairy gardens! The leaves are a pretty shape and it has a nicely textured appearance. I’m pleased and intrigued by my new little friend.
Outstanding Terrarium Plant

Heart shape leaves are never larger than thumbnail size. Plant climbs over soil and up glass walls of my terrarium forming a half inch thick mat. Ficus pumila minima is faster growing than F. pumila Quercifolia, with smaller leaves than either Curly or Snowflake. Requires constantly moist soil, and will die if soil dries out even once. Best in sealed terrariums.