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Average Rating 4.8 out of 5
aptly named
I have never grown a fantasy strep before, and the color combinations are unusual and beautiful. No two flowers are exactly alike.
The plant came with blooms and it hasn't stopped! The colors are gorgeous and each flower has its own distinct color variation.
Beautiful Bloomer
This strep blooms almost non-stop under florescent lights. The blooms are big and beautiful. The leaves are slow growing.
Spectacular Blooms!!
The blooms make this plant worth purchasing. The dark fuchsia streaks vary from a small streak to almost the entire flower. Flowers heavily under fluorescent lights and the blooms last a really long time. The only thing that prevents this from being five stars is the foliage. The leaves on my plant grow lopsided and doesn't grow as quickly as the flowers. The leaves are actually dying back I'm not sure why... probably user error.
Truly Spectacular!!!
I ordered this one back in the early Spring.... and it bloomed non-stop throughout the summer, even when it got so hot that my other streps pouted! The colors are amazing... with big, showy blooms. Great fantasy markings too! One of my favorite fantasy streps!