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Average Rating 4.6 out of 5
Very Hardy

I ordered several strep babies a couple months ago, and I was a little negligent of the new babies due to being busy with work. This variety however has continued to grow and doubled in size and did not mind my forgetfulness at all! I'm so excited to see it grow because I can tell it will be a very healthy and large plant. If you are thinking of ordering from VB, do it please! You will be very happy with your order.
Very pretty!

The flowers are gorgeous on this plant!
Bristol's Cotton Candy

This is a beautiful plant! The flowers are so pretty!
Striking plant!

This is a beautiful plant. Blooms often. Easy to grow.
Come on, little guy!

I got this plant a few months ago, and it has been very, very slow to develop. It has put out a few small new leaves, and no flowers yet. Compared with other streps I've purchased from this site, it's just not thriving. Fingers crossed that it will hit a growth spurt soon and turn out healthy after all.