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Average Rating 4.9 out of 5
Large, striking variety
This is a review of Keigetsu rather than of the Violet Barn. I'd credit seeing this variety at the Philly Flower Show in 2017 with sparking my interest in this genus. Even though I had seen many Streps before, this one was particularly striking! In the judges' words it was "magnificent," and it was awarded a first prize with a special ribbon from the Liberty Bell Gesneriad Society. This is a large-growing plant, but has huge, showy flowers to match with 1-3 flowers per spike. The way the lilac blends into a bright yellow is indescribable and does not fully come through in photos. The leaf habit is pretty orderly, but it is a larger growing plant. This is the variety to add to your collection if you want a show-stopper!
I loved this plant but lost it while I was in the hospital for 3 weeks. It was a freebie, but it bloomed all the time for me and a number of those blooms nodding away on my plant shelf always drew the eye. It was a good grower and I'll revisit it at some point.
This is one of my favorite streps! The pastel colors are Beautiful. I am buying this one for my daughter.
I like it so much I am ordering two more!
This is an amazing plant. I like it so much I am ordering two more. Everyone that sees this plant with all of it blooms says it is eye catching. It is an easy bloomer and grower. It is a medium sized streptocarpus. Definitely a must have. Stunning.
Vary pretty is is growing vary fast and blooming will order more from you