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Average Rating 4.8 out of 5
Must have!

I had one of these years ago. It bloomed often and I kept it on a kitchen counter under a grow light. Sadly, it died due to neglect(I think I should have repotted). Highly recommend getting one of you have the space for the large velvety leaves.

This is a heavy blooming and hardy streptocarpus. The bloom stalks will produce up to four flowers per stem in a pleasing display. It's a medium size grower for me and will take some neglect. The red color on the rim doesn't fade as in most red-colored streptocarpus.

Beautiful burgundy color. Bloomed as shown in picture.
Wow! Fleishle's Roulette

I love this Strep. It just keeps on growing. It's also very striking. It can be shy about blooming but just when think it isn't going to, there are the buds poking up their heads. A "must grow" for sure.
Tough plant

This one survived a period of neglect (life happens) while others on the same shelf did not. I am glad for how strong, tough, and beautiful this strep is!