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Average Rating 4.9 out of 5
Yukako Is Amazing!

Yukako is one of the most beautiful chimeras I’ve had! Beautiful colours in sharp contrast, they grace this plant abundantly. It was with buds when I’ve received it and it grew nicely and flowered repeatedly for me on my windowsill. Sadly, my Yukako was smashed to pieces by a naughty child and I’ve been watching this website like a hawk for a new listing ever since the accident.
As Beautiful as pictured

This is a unique and beautiful chimera. The photo reflects the flowers actual colors. The plant I received was very healthy and bloomed shortly after arrival.

I've been wanting this chimera for quite some time. Finally got it, and I'm sure will be worth the price. It arrived in great shape and I'm looking forward to see it in bloom!
Lovely and Hardy

This was one of my most treasured violets; it was hardy – took a lot of abuse and still rewarded me with plentiful, striking blossoms. The colors were just unreal, the chartreuse and deep violet blue really jumped out. Sadly, I lost it in a move and will be replacing it as soon as the weather cools down and I can ship it safely.
One of a kind

To this day, I still haven't seen a more beautiful chimera. The purple and green are so striking; definitely worth the price!