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Average Rating 5 out of 5

When the description says "very profuse" - it is no joke! Ordered this variety in my first Violet Barn order. It arrived in excellent condition. Once in a space it liked, it has flourished! It is getting bigger almost daily and has tons of blooms. So very pleased and happy! Thank you Violet Barn!
Prolific Bloomer!

This is one of my favorites! It's been blooming now for a couple of months and the plant just continues to grow and bloom.
Oldie but Goodie

This was one of the first Violets I ever had. It is a prolific bloomer and easy to care for.
Arrived Safely in January!!

I ordered 5 species African violets and had them sent via expedited winter shipping. All five arrived in great shape and ready to transplant to larger pots (waited at least a week to let them settle in). Three plants were in bud! Most of the plants arrived growing vigorously enough to need thinning of leaves or extra crowns, that was a big surprise!! So basically, most also arrived ready to be use to propagated some new plants! Grandifolia #299 was the largest of the bunch! I was surprised, when unfolded from the wrapping it was around 6 inches across. This species was one of the ones in bud, although the flowers haven't opened yet. Looking forward to the flowers any day now. Intend to order more plants soon!!!!
Beautiful N'Easy

I'm far from having a green thumb but this plant makes me feel like I can grow anything. It's easy to care for and the blooms are constant.
Lovely purple flowers

Received this plant as my freebie for writing a review and couldn't be more pleased. It was the earliest to bloom of all the plants in the batch, and the tiny purple flowers are so cheerful. Great plant!
Beautiful Baby

I received my beautiful baby S. Grandifolia, a few days ago, and was amazed to see many flower buds. Packed with such care, thank you, and I appreciate the instructions included. The leaves are coming down to look like a proper violet and seems ro like the east facing window I chose for it's home. This is my first "proper" violet purchase though I have had a couple from WalMart. I'm thinking about which minis to get in next order as I realize Grandiflora will outgrow my windowsill. Looking forward to much enjoyment watching baby grow.
My Favorite!

This may be my favorite violet so far. It isn't as flashy as some of the others I have, but there's something about the simplicity of it that I just love. It has been growing easily and blooming non-stop since I got it.
Gorgeous Plant!

This plant is absolutely beautiful. I received it as a "baby" last October (2016), and it spent the frst few months coming into its own. Once it started blooming in early February it has continued nonstop unlike the hybrids that seem to need occasional rests every few weeks. And the color is a magnificent medium dark blue that is striking and demands attention when my friends see it among the various shades of Kohleria reds, pinks, and oranges. If you are a purist at heart and love simplicity at its finest this easy to grow Saintpaulia is very likely for you.
S. Grandifloria

I bought this one because it was recommended by a glad I did. I've had it a couple weeks now & it's grown a bit & very healthy looking. It perked right up..Can't wait to see it bloom! I can't say enough about the awesome packaging they worries there.