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Average Rating 5 out of 5
A great starter species!

I’ve grown this Saintpaulia species for a few years now. Always in bloom, with soft velvety foliage that begs to be touched. I find thus species does well on a northern or eastern windowsill as well as under lights at the ends of the tubes. It is a perfect starter species for anyone wanting to give Saintpaulia species a try!
What a stunner!

Arrived filled with blossoms and hasn't stopped. A lovely, delicate looking little plant but has proven to be quite tough. An excellent choice for a first time foray in saintpaulia species.
Incredibly hardy little thing

I've put this poor plant through more abuse than it deserved, including knocking a shelf onto it, and then having no where proper to put it for a while due to lack of shelf. While several other plants didn't survive the ordeal, this guy did, bounced back incredibly and now looks as good as when I got it. Was not expecting any sort of violet to be this hardy. Very small (like a miniature) and very cute, leaves are green, petite, and round.
In memory of my Father

My dad who passed away in 2006 was a rabbit African violet grower. Mind you he never bought plants, he would simply go through the green house (he knew the owners) and snitch a leaf. Then put it in water for a couple weeks till a sprig of root came, then put it in soil and 4 months later it was a wonderful plant blooming constantly. At one point I think he had 20 plants of all varieties going in the house. Before he died he was down to four plants, one of which was this variety. After he passed I took them and did my best to keep them going. After 5 years I was down to one, this variety but the flower was lighter pink. I did the leaf in water trick and grew a several more plants over the years. I had two of them going strong until my move to northern Minnesota last year, sadly they did not survive. Love your site and the great info available. I realized a couple mistakes I made over the years. Today I am making a 6 plant order and will revive my Dad’s passion again. Thank you, Kip Boie
S brevipilosa tiny and beautiful

Beautiful little violet, deep pink and lovely green leaves, blooms well and steadily in my window. I get lots of comments on it from my violet loving friends