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Average Rating 5 out of 5
Im not sure about the exact color, but I love the curls on the edge of the flowers!
Favorite Russian
RS-Mavka was one of my first Ukrainian African violets. I lost it several years ago and I'm replacing it. Love the beige blooms that I feel is unique.
RS Mavka has grown good for me, but not overly fast. Mine doesn’t bloom a lot yet, but maybe will as it gets older. The flowers are very interesting & different. I like the mix of colors & the unique shape of the blooms.
RS Mavka
Incredibly irresistible plant with lovely blush pink, white, and green blooms. There are so many blooms that the foliage is barely visible.
Still one of my favs
I have always had this one in my collection, I highly recommend it. The colors are subtle, but nails it! Blooms are long lasting and not droopy,nor do they hide under leaves. If you don't have it, GET IT!