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Average Rating 5 out of 5
This is one of my favorites! Most beautiful red flowers!
Lovely Big Red Blooms
My Bullfight is blooming now! I purchased this plant at a show in the Rochester area. Robs VB was there. My husband is a fan of rodeo - he was with me, so I chose this one for the red bloom. I’ve had it for about 5 yrs or so. I am super pleased with it!
Beautiful! Love this plant!
Gorgeous plant, purchased one really beautiful!!!
Beautiful blooms!
This plant has the most beautiful huge red blooms!
Amazing & Gorgeous EK Bullfight!
I bought this AV because it looked beautiful in the photo, but also to find out if there are TRULY RED African violets. Well, there are! These flowers are a beautiful red, not a deep purple! They are big and lovely flowers! I took my plant to my AV Club meeting and many people admired it and asked for a leaf when I have some I am willing to part with.