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Average Rating 4.8 out of 5
Beautiful foliage
This was one of my first AV. My daughter bought it for me. I have had it for 2 years and it has not bloomed. The foliage is just beautiful. My daughter suggested that I thin out some leaves and to fertilize it some more. Still no blooms. I saw on you website where some people had better luck with natural light so I move it from my stand with grow lights back to a window, now I have my first flower bud on it.I can't waif to see it bloom. Yeah!
Exceptionally Beautiful Foliage
I received Ma's Watermelon African Violet last week and it has exceptionally beautiful foliage. I love all the colors of violets and variegated foliage that the Violet Barn offers. I purchased Ma's Watermelon violet for its' hot coral-pink color. I didn't know violets came in coral and look forward to seeing her beautiful color of flowers. Thank-you Violet Barn!
Sweet Sweet Watermelon
All of Ma's plants that I have grown have been wonderfully behaved but this one I am especially impressed with. The rosette is perfect, flat and symmetrical. I love that the new growth is often tinged in pink. It is beautiful even when not in bloom. The flowers are generous, really big and ruffled. The color is juicy and bright just like its namesake.
Everything about this violet is beautiful!
Starting again
I managed to lose the original plant. She was beautiful. Have not seen blooms yet. I did take a couple leaves and have managed to make new baby plants. Super easy to propagate. Looking forward to them growing and producing flowers. The leaves are beautifully variegated.