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Average Rating 4.8 out of 5
I am a first time customer,ordered this little beauty. It arrived in great shape and with buds on it already! So excited!
Gorgeous plant
I love violets and am so happy to find the Violet Barn! What gorgeous flowers and such a great reputation! Ma's Secret Child stood out to me and since so many people love it, I know it will be a perfect addition to my home!
Love the color of this plant
This plant always looks perfect, the blooms are big and mine is a true lavender color with white. I also love the white tipped leaves so it always looks nice even when not blooming.
This was the only standard I bought a couple or so years ago in my haul of minis. it is amazingly strong and a great bloomer! it definitely making me want to get more standards in my next haul! i LOVE the leaves. SO pretty.
Great plant, lots of flowers
I had never ordered violets online before, but decided to give it a try, more choices than what is available locally, but was hesitant out of concern of how they would transport. The plants came in great shape, Ma's secret child grew very symmetrical, and has tons of flowers, and the flowers have lasted for quite a while. Am very happy, have ordered more plant.