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Average Rating 4.8 out of 5
Dreamy and dependable

I've had this one for slightly under a year and it has bloomed almost continuously. Each time it bloomed the flowers were beautiful, large and consistent. I liked it when I bought it and now it's one of my favorites. *
Ma's Midnight Rain

I have this plant and it is the prettiest color blue it sparkles. I can't wait to get my next order
the reason I bought this one

When I saw the names of your hybrid's with Ma's ______. L knew I had to have one of those if not more. You see, I lost Ma in 2008. She was 93 years old and had a wonderful life... Hard to believe she has been gone almost 10 years. While she was going a wrote a poem about her life, and I named it, "Ma's Good Night". I still do not know how I got thru that day and reading that five page poem which I read to her about two weeks before she died except the last verse where I told her goodbye. In her going she told us in March 2008 that she had a banquet to attend the end of April or the first of May. She proceeded to invite over 200 dead people. So ever since then whenever someone dies I say, "Welcome to your Banquet." I am a writer and can be long winded... the reason for this particular violet... and it was a very hard choice to make. when she was in the hospital back in 2005 and then in rehab cause she had broke her leg... I asked her what her favorite color was and she said a nice shade of I worked as a foster care worker, and at night I painted her room a pretty shade of blue. IT is the room I keep my violets in... so that was the second reason, the third reason was Ma was a night owl. She read until two almost every night. and the last reason... Well she was born Mary Louise Rainey... and later married Da who was a Todd. The violet arrived safely and I was thrilled.. it is just lovely and I am sure I will love it when it blooms... Sorry I took up so much space... but I got this violet for a very special reason.
Lovely plant

The plant was smaller than I expected when I bought it but it had a few lovely blooms on it.
Midnight Raim

This violet is one of the best for beginers. It is very easy to grow. the plant is very hardy and easy to care for.
Ma's Midnight Rain

The dark green foliage is perfectly symmetrical. The blooms are exactly as pictured....just beautiful. Would recommend to any beginner grower.
Midnight Rain

I love the colors of Midnight Rain, especially since I just have some blossoms of it from a plant I grew from a leaf. Wonderful experience and gorgeous blossoms.

Beautiful plant in form and flower....have this and think it is one of my favorites