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Average Rating 4.8 out of 5
Ma's Easter Parade
This plant grows really well for me. Love the blooms and foliage.
Gorgeous Flowers
This is one of my favorite violets. It's a good bloomer and I love the green edge around the pink petals. The foliage is beautiful, also!
Fantastic plant!
My first Ma’s violet and it is stunning. The leaves are the perfect backdrop to flowers.
Beautiful Flowers!
This violet has proved a ready flowerer for us - flowering shortly after we got it although it is still a small, young plant. The blooms are beautiful - light pink with a light green border. The variegation on the leaf edging adds to the interest of the plant. This violet was given to us as a freebie and we feel very fortunate to have it - nice discovery!
Just got this beauty the other day and it came with buds! As always, I am happy with my AV’s from violet barn!