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Average Rating 4.3 out of 5
Oh My!

I ordered this little beauty hoping it would have a little yellow splash to my AV collection. It arrived well-packaged and in excellent shape. It even had FOUR opening flowers on it! I'm over the moon with this purchase!
Beautiful Flowers

The plant arrived with two buds . When they opened up they were gorgeous and long lasting. They look just like my wife’s miniature roses.
Beautiful Color

This Violet seems to have more intense color in brighter light.

Only a few weeks after getting my order this little gal bloomed! Wasn't quite as colorful as I expected, but was still very pretty. I feel like when it blooms again and with more then one flower, I'll see more color.
Mostly white

I’ve grown this AV since 2014. The plant is quite large now. My blooms have never the kind of color shown in the VB photos. Mostly the blooms are white, with pale yellow accents and just the hint of pink. I may try growing it under brighter lights to see if that affects the color at all. The plant is healthy and happy.