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Average Rating 5 out of 5
Arrived in great shape!
My order got delayed via USPS so was worried the plants would not arrive in good shape. Despite a four day trip, this little one arrived in bloom with five additional buds! I am a new violet grower and looking forward to getting started with this one- it’s super cute!
Vigorous and Tough Plant
I have a few species plants, and this may be the most vigorous one. It quickly produces multiple crowns. At times, I don't know where to start dividing them! The flower is light purple or lavender. Simple, but cute. This is VERY HARD TO KILL. I live in the USDA Zone 9a, and the "summer" lasts for 5-6 months here. It's hot and dry, not the most violet-friendly environment, but this violet will live, even when others fail. Great violet to start your collection!
Great plant!
I grew S. rupicola years ago. When we moved, there was not a local club, so I lost focus. We are getting ready to move in a few months, and I have already checked that there is a club. So, I am looking to purchase again my favorites, and this is at the top of the list!