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Average Rating 5 out of 5
Beautiful Dark Green and Purplish-Red Colors

This little guy survived the winter in a cool north-facing window (with temperatures reaching close to 50 degrees on the windowsill occasionally on really cold nights here in Massachusetts) and endured the dry winter air and low, dim winter light. Now it is spring, he is getting more light in the north facing window, and he has bounced back and happily growing again. I would call this fella pretty hardy!
Beautiful foliage!

I am a new violet grower and received this plant with the 5 pack special (recommended for new growers as VB will pick out a variety of easy ones for you). This one has beautiful foliage as described- quite attractive on its own and can’t wait to see it bloom- it is growing steadily!
Beautiful foliage!

I grow several species Saintpaulia. This form of magungensis is simply beautiful. Dark bronze green leaves with purple petioles and undersides have a glossy surface that is unique and beautiful. Flowers come in waves and enhance this species that is attractive even without flowers. Grows best for me in a northeast window. I recommend this one!