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Average Rating 4.9 out of 5
High quality neem oil

I'm leaving this review in the hopes of saving other newbies from making the mistake I made: No matter how many people on the Internet recommend neem oil as a soil drench...don't do it!!!!! Over time, it makes the soil too heavy for gesneriads--the oil sort of "clogs" the soil and your African violets will not be happy : ( I still recommend this neem oil though! Use as directed above.
Neem Oil

Excellent choice for ridding plants of annoying insects. I have used with great success to eliminate mealy bugs and gnats on several houseplants. I also have used it on my rose bushes to ward off beetles and fungus. Organic and safe to use.
The only thing I use for mildew now

I've tried tons of products and homemade mixtures for mildew and fungus on my houseplants. I stopped using anything else when I finally tried this. It does have a strong smell, as other reviews have noted, but it has been 100% effective in clearing up powdery mildew and fungus. I have never had to use it on pests so I can't speak to that, but it's the only thing I've tried that hasn't had any negative impact on ANY plant.
Dyna -Gro Neem oil

Good for powdery mildew, and pest control. It can be used as fungIcide also. I spray all my house plants before bringing them inside during winter time.
Need oil works great

Use this neem oil on flowers and vegetable plants. It works both as a pesticide and fu gicide. Great for organic gardens. Strong smell only downfall.