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Average Rating 4.9 out of 5
my most successful miniature
I live in a Arizona lower desert so have a harsh environment. Not to mention little education and experience. I've spent about 3-1/2 years educating myself and experimenting with Rob's beautiful plants. Rob's Pewter Bells is my most successful miniature to date. It has bloomed three times in 7 month's. This is AWSOME! The plant is so healthy and the blooms pretty and delicate. I'd recommend this plant to both beginners and experienced.
Pewter Bells
The flowers on this plant are so different! They are also very glittery. I found that they even kind of have a little hint of yellow mottling.
One of my favorites
This bell snapped violet is different in shape. The blooms almost look delicate but it is a hardy little plant. I don't ever want to be without Rob's Pewter Bells.
Love Those Bells
This little plant is so adorable and refuses to stop blooming. It grows in a perfect little rosette with no trouble. Highly recommend this one.
Compact,neat little plant and the blooms keep coming. Its my best semiminiature..Its a must have!!