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Average Rating 4.3 out of 5
Sparkling Flowers
My plant arrived in bloom and it was beautiful and healthy. There's a dewy look to the blossoms. I love the combination of the bright, sparkling flowers against the dark leaves. The leaf underside has a raspberry hue that matches the edge of the flowers.
Rob’s Heat Wave
I purchased this one many years ago when I was new at growing African violets. I remember the cute vanilla colored blossoms edged in red. That is why I am ordering another one now. I can’t wait for it to arrive!
Long Live The Blooms
I ordered this one right before Christmas of last year. It started blooming for me a little over 2 months ago and I thought it would never stop, and I didn't want it to stop !! Those were the longest lasting blooms I've seen on an African violet thus far !! Its a " have to have " for any collection !!
My previous plant died through NO fault of its own. New order was to have no repeats of anything I'd grown before BUT this one I want to own again!! A fresh start with an old friend :)
Purple Edging NOT Cherry-Red
I ordered this believing it would have cherry-red edging based on the Product Information and picture. It is not red at all, but purple so I was disappointed.
A star on my shelf
This lovely little violet is one my eye always goes to on my shelf. Something about its name is so appropriate. It is hot with perkiness and good looks. Very hardy because it is happy here in TX, and despite being in a room that gets to around 80 in the summer (I keep my thermostat up), it does beautifully. So glad I have it.
Pretty plant and flowers
I always notice when a plant keeps its shape and stays attractive through heavy blooming, plus I rotate my plants from the lights out to a west window to show them off. This little plant has held up to it, hasn't ever suckered and always has some blooms!