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Average Rating 4.8 out of 5
Color not the same
I've had this plant about 3 weeks. It came with an abundance of buds, but only one opened. I'm hoping it's a slow starter as someone else mentioned. The color is more of a lilac than dark rose. Still pretty!
Rob's Cherry Soda.
Another of Rob's exquisite heavy bloomers with awesome variagation. I love the leaves as much as the blooms!!!
its a fighter
I bought four different minis a few months ago. Its been colder than usual here and this Cherry Soda was the only one that has bloomed so far! the blooms lasts a really long time and is saturated with pure pink speckles. Very cute!
This little plant is a real gem. It started slow but its was worth the wait. Consistant bloomer...I'm now hooked on minis.
Miniature Violet
I've had this miniature for many years and it has continued to do well.