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Average Rating 4.7 out of 5
Rob's Antique Rose
This plant shapes very nicely on its own and is blooming profusely! It is just on its first bloom cycle and is still covered.
Antique Rose
One of my favorite semi-miniatures of all time. Beautiful foliage and tons of pink flowers every time. I love it.
Perfect Plant
Rob's Antique Rose is one of those plants that just about grows itself! Nice dark foliage, amazing symmetry, and a full head of blossoms make this one a perfect plant.
Rob's Antique Rose
This has been a hardy little plant and wonderful bloomer over the years I have had it. The flowers and foliage provide a lovely contrast and it shapes nicely.
Antique Rose is a hit!
This little violet is prolific! Friends love their new plants! The ruffled leaves backed in purple and the somewhat brown ruffled edge of the pink flowers make it very 'antique' or even 'victorian'. *****