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Average Rating 5 out of 5
Mini Violets

I just received an order last week with Pinki, Mac's Elegant Emerald and Dolores Sugar Candy, what a surprise! They were all blooming and are still blooming! Great and fast service

This is such healthy and beautiful av. I love the white blooms with a light green edges. Best packaging for shipping I have ever seen.
Very prolific bloomer

I’ve entered this variety in a couple of shows and it always does very well. It blooms like crazy - you’ll barely be able to see the leaves! It’s also sturdy and resistant to environmental stressors.
Amazing little jewel

Violet Barn has the best packaging of any nursery I’ve ordered from. This little plant arrived with buds that proceeded to blossom. The plant has been in continuous bloom since it arrived. It takes up so little space and is adorable. I would recommend Mac’s Elegant Emerald as addition to any collection. It’s a gem.
Luck of the Irish

This plant is so cute & grows very symmetrical. This little one is a must have for your collection whether you are irish or not.