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Average Rating 4.7 out of 5
so cute
I ordered this plant awhile ago, the flowers are very pretty but my foliage isn't as light as the one in the picture but I still love it. Violets are my passion.
I love Jolly Jubilee
I got one weeks ago and I just love it.
This plant is so gorgeous! When in bloom the contrast is fantastic. When not in bloom you still have the gorgeous foliage to entertain you! What a plus!
Jolly Jubilee
This plant is so nice. Mine doesn't look exactly like the one pictured but it is still beautiful and full of flowers. My flowers look more purple than a maroon. But very striking nonetheless.
Jolly Jubilee
It was love at first sight for me, but this beauty didn't live. Not sure why as it did good for about 10 months, then slowly started to die. It never did bloom, but the leaves were beautiful.