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LE Rings of Saturn

(LE Kol'tsa Saturna)  Semidouble lavender stars with darker, wavy, edge, then thin white edge.  Darker lavender ring around eye.  Dark green foliage.  Standard.  (Lebetskaya)


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LE Rings of Saturn

Average Rating 5 out of 5

Beyond gorgeous

You wouldn’t believe your eyes when you see this blooms!! Huge, gorgeous lilac and white blooms on a strong and healthy plant!! What can be better!! Highly recommend

Marina Tuberman Aug 24 2024, 16:53 PM

So Unique

LE Rings of Saturn blooms are so unique, love the darker rings on this one, which makes it so eye catching . The packaging on all my violets is so well done, I received everything in perfect condition. I will continue to order my violets from VB . Thank you !

Melissa Oldsberg Jun 12 2024, 07:39 AM

Out of this world blooms!

I purchased ROS last year and it has become my favorite! It grew quickly and is a prolific bloomer, with large 2-inch blooms. It does well with natural light and isn't too fussy. I'm so impressed with the quality of the plants I ordered and how well they were packaged! I will be adding more to my collection very soon. Thank you Violet Barn for providing such beautiful violets-- it's hard to choose, but you can't go wrong with this beauty!

Anna Holleman Apr 14 2024, 20:14 PM

The Center Ring Makes it Special

I had been on the lookout for LE-Rings of Saturn for awhile and was delighted to see it available from The Violet Barn last year. My plant has gone through several bloom cycles since I purchased it, and the blooms are as lovely as pictured. The ring around the center stands out, just as this unique bloom stands out among my collection.

Erin Charles Oct 21 2022, 13:25 PM

Rings of Saturn

I bought a rings of Saturn plant a few years ago and when I lost it I was sad to not be able to find a replacement and when I saw that it was back in stock again I was excited enough that I had to buy two of them. It is one of my favorite of all time. Thank you for your wonderful selection of violets. Diana Spiering

Diana Spiering Sep 11 2022, 23:11 PM

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