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African violets and collectible houseplants

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Very exotic species.  Large, fuzzy, deep burnt-red blooms with spotted face.  Stiff, erect foliage. 


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Average Rating 4.5 out of 5

An easy grow kohleria

I've not had luck with African Violets, so decided to try kohleria instead. These plants are prolific bloomers. I just feed regularly with plant food and keep pinched for a shapely form with loads of beautiful blossoms. Rob's has so many varieties it's fun to try new ones as they are offered!

Jeanette Dallek Jul 04 2022, 00:10 AM

My favorite Kohleria!

Trinea is so unusual and stunning. Neon-orange flowers cascading from claret-red stalks. Foliage outlined in red trim with prominent red veins most visible from their underside. A vigorous grower and bloomer. Nothing quite like it.

Vincent Cryns Apr 02 2021, 18:44 PM

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