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Silver Feather

Perhaps the most beautiful foliage.  Crimson spots on face of butter-yellow and light orange blooms, dark orange-red back.  Exquisite slate-gray leaves with broad silver 'feathering' in center.


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Silver Feather

Average Rating 4.5 out of 5

Beautiful plant!

This Kohleria stays very compact from the start with new plants with tip cuttings or sprouts from the rhizomes which are produced as generously underground as the cute flowers are above. It does best on my light shelf, but pinching out the tips of 5 plants in a pot that could only fit in front of the window makes a spectacular display now in May, and should look great for a couple of months!

Sandra Streifel May 16 2011, 20:18 PM

Always Makes Me Smile

I avoided Kohlerias for a long time because I grow a lot of plants and I felt they would be too big. Out of curiosity I finally broke down and bought K. 'Silver Feather.' It's made me so happy I've bought other Kohlerias since, although it's still my favorite. It grows beautifully without any fights, blooms frequently, puts up with any indignity or abuse, produces baby plants constantly and always looks at peace. My primarily love affair is with Hoyas, but I have turned many people onto Kohlerias because of this cultivar. Incidentally, it's not a particularly tall Kohleria and I don't think it takes up too much room at all. ^_~

Jessica Dial Apr 29 2011, 13:14 PM

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