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Red Rider

An old favorite.  Lared, deep red blooms with darker netting on lighter face.  Dark, quilted foliage.  Showy.


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Red Rider

Average Rating 5 out of 5

so much in a little pot

Red Rider arrived with two blooms..that was exciting..but two week later when I was placed it into a 4 inch pot, I lifted it out of the pot,and several rhizomes fell of the bottom..the bottom was covered in rhizomes...so I got to pot up three more Red Riders right away...all from a great 21/2 inch pot...

William Ross Jul 24 2014, 14:45 PM

Great Flowers

This is a bigger plant but it produces lots of really bright flowers that seem to last a long time. It's one of my favorites. Also, it produces a good amount of rhizomes too.

Anonymous Apr 12 2013, 18:08 PM

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