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Napolean V

Terrific, highly recommended plant.  Bright orange, fuzzy blooms with cream face spotted darker orange.  Dark, upright growing foliage.  Easy grower, heavy bloomer.


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Napolean V

Average Rating 4.7 out of 5

Tough little plant!

This was the first Kohleria variety I tried. It seemed to bloom easily. Then I found pests in my gesneriad collection and parted with several plants to decrease the size of my collection, including my Kohleria. I treated for pests then decided to reorder some of the plants I parted with. My 2nd Napoleon V arrived about a month or two ago, and soon, another Kohleria. I repotted both of them within a few weeks, and accidentally broke the rhizome off of each plant. I put the rhizome in a small ziplock bag with damp soil. I cut the stem of the Kohleria, then took off the lower leaves, and put it in damp soil. It rooted within a week! Within a few more weeks, it's blooming, and growing. To add to this, I have a plant that started to grow from the rhizome already! This is such a tough little plant. This is one of the Kohlerias I intend to keep in my gesneriad collection.

Emily Forrester Jan 02 2022, 00:32 AM

Easy plant

An easy and forgiving Kohleria. Blooms more easily than some of the other varieties I grow, too.

Bryce Gurney Jun 03 2021, 13:04 PM

constant blooming gem

the flower buds are fuzzy little balls and the lovely orange flowers glisten with tiny droplets. Always cheers me up. Easy plant, constant bloomer.

Julie Ament May 24 2018, 01:53 AM

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