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Average Rating 4.7 out of 5
Tough little plant!

This was the first Kohleria variety I tried. It seemed to bloom easily. Then I found pests in my gesneriad collection and parted with several plants to decrease the size of my collection, including my Kohleria. I treated for pests then decided to reorder some of the plants I parted with. My 2nd Napoleon V arrived about a month or two ago, and soon, another Kohleria. I repotted both of them within a few weeks, and accidentally broke the rhizome off of each plant. I put the rhizome in a small ziplock bag with damp soil. I cut the stem of the Kohleria, then took off the lower leaves, and put it in damp soil. It rooted within a week! Within a few more weeks, it's blooming, and growing. To add to this, I have a plant that started to grow from the rhizome already! This is such a tough little plant. This is one of the Kohlerias I intend to keep in my gesneriad collection.
Easy plant

An easy and forgiving Kohleria. Blooms more easily than some of the other varieties I grow, too.
constant blooming gem

the flower buds are fuzzy little balls and the lovely orange flowers glisten with tiny droplets. Always cheers me up. Easy plant, constant bloomer.