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African violets and collectible houseplants

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Our favorite, a superior plant.  Never-ending loads of fuzzy, deep orange blooms with bright spots on white face and throat.  Foliage is stiff and upright, branches well when pinched.  Never without bloom.


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Average Rating 5 out of 5

survived chipmunk onslaught!

grew tall, bloomed beautifully, propagated like a pro despite being uprooted by rodents twice! awaiting new blooms…interesting change from AVs and one tough cookie!

Joanna Shelton Sep 23 2021, 20:37 PM

An ever-blooming masterpiece

This Kholeria is a true powerhouse of vigor that is always covered in glorious blooms. It will stay on the compact side with some pruning. Simply put, this Kholeria will never disappoint and can be thought of as a true gold standard for this genus.

Wayne Berman Apr 02 2018, 23:42 PM


Great plant as described. It grows like a weed (in a good way) and is easy to propagate, easy to grow. I gave a cutting to a coworker and several others requested cuttings too. One friend said she thought they were fake flowers because they looked so perfect and plentiful.

Steph Feb 11 2011, 23:14 PM

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